EXploitation of Different Energy sources for GREen Energy production
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  • Hrvatski jezik
  • Project XDEGREE Presented at the International Energy and Investment Fair

    Project XDEGREE Presented at the International Energy and Investment Fair

    The ‘International Energy and Investment Fair’ took place at the Novi Sad Fair Master Congress Centre on 27 and 28 February. The Energy and Investment Days boost business communication and cooperation between all relevant stakeholders in the energy and local development sectors in Serbia and the region. The fair is aimed at providing a networking opportunity for stakeholders interested in projects in the areas of energy, infrastructure, water, ecology and other important utility areas. Advanced technologies and forms of funding energy projects are presented during the fair. The most topical issues were covered as part of the congress segment, featuring leading national and international experts. In addition, companies and institutions presented new achievements and innovation in this field at the exhibition space. Being just such a project, ‘Exploitation of Different Energy Sources for Green Energy Production – XDEGREE’, co-financed by the European Union within the framework of the Interreg-IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Croatia-Serbia 2014-2020, was presented as well. The topic attracted a lot of attention and the project stand had many visitors during the last few days.