EXploitation of Different Energy sources for GREen Energy production
  • English language
  • Srpski jezik
  • Hrvatski jezik
  • Agricultural Institute Osijek


    The Agricultural Institute Osijek is a public research institute in the Republic of Croatia in the scientific field of biotechnology which through scientific research and through finding innovative solutions contributes to the development and advancement of science (plant science) and agricultural production.

    The institute establishes scientific programs of strategic importance for Croatia. In collaboration with institutions of higher education it establishes the scientific infrastructure of the whole system of science and higher education and participates in the process of higher education.

    The Institute aims to ensure and develop excellence in applied research and development in the field of plant science and to improve production of food and bio-energy, supporting industry and management of the natural resources in the regional, national and European context.

    Today (2017)

    The Agricultural Institute Osijek employs 133 employees on a continuous basis, 34 of them are Doctors of Science, 1 is a Master of Science, 14 are Junior Researchers, and 24 employees completed high education. For the jobs season from March to November, we employ, on average, 100 seasonal workers.

    Scientific and research, professional, and manufacturing work is organised in eight scientific departments:

    • Department of Plant Breeding and Small Cereal Crop Genetics – which includes the Farinology Laboratory and the Beer Barley and Malt Analysis Laboratory
    • Department of Maize Breeding and Genetics
    • Department of Industrial Plant Breeding and Genetics
    • Department of Forage Plant Breeding and Genetics
    • Department of Pomology – which includes the Tissue Culture Laboratory
    • Department of Seed Production and Processing – which includes the Seed Quality Testing Laboratory
    • Department of Agricultural Engineering and Reclamation
    • Department – Agrochemical laboratory
    • Corporate Service
    • Financial Service

    Work unit – Basic seed production