EXploitation of Different Energy sources for GREen Energy production
  • English language
  • Srpski jezik
  • Hrvatski jezik
  • European Affairs Fund of AP of Vojvodina


    The European Affairs Fund was established by the Provincial Assembly Decision on the Establishment of the European Affairs Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina (“Official Gazette of AP Vojvodina”, No. 13/2009 and 2/2010) and designated as the legal successor of the Office for European Affairs of the of the Executive Council of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The Fund covers activities regarding monitoring, analyses and implementation the European integrative processes, building and strengthening the institutional capacities of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, aiming at faster integration of the Republic of Serbia into major European political and economic processes, as well as to establish economic, scientific, educational and cultural cooperation with European cities and regions and their institutions.

    The Fund’s main activities are the following:

    1. Collection and direction of activities of province institutions in the EU integration process;
    2. Activities related to the use of EU structural and development funds, as well as EU Technical Assistance Program;
    3. Coordination with the activities of the EU Integration Office of the Government of Republic of Serbia;
    4. Cooperation with local authorities and other organisations, bodies and institutions involved in the EU integration;
    5. Cooperation with international and European organizations and institutions;
    6. Education in the field of the European integration;
    7. Cooperation with scientific institutes and faculties on issues falling within the scope of activities of the Fund;
    8. Promotion of common European values and ideas to the public, through the media and by organizing seminars, round tables and lectures.

    The Fund’s strategic priorities in the forthcoming period are the following:

    • Development of joint projects with regional and other European partners related to use the EU pre-accession funds,
    • Cooperation with leading European and international institutions,

    Promotion of European values.